Monday, July 29, 2013

God is wise

Hebrews 6:19

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

There is freedom in forgiving
The experience of the gospel gives us the two prerequisites for a life of forgiveness: emotional humility and emotional wealth.
You can remain bitter toward someone only if you feel superior, if you are sure that you "would never do anything like that!" To remain unforgiving means you are unaware of your own sinfulness and need for forgiveness. When Paul says he is the worst among sinners (1 Tim. 1:15), he is not exaggerating. He is saying that he is as capable of sin as the worst criminals are. The gospel has equipped him with emotional humility.

At the same time, you can’t be gracious to someone if you are too needy and insecure. If you know God’s love and forgiveness, then there is a limit to how deeply another person can hurt you. He or she can’t touch your real identity, wealth, and significance. The more you rejoice in your own forgiveness, the quicker you will be to forgive others. You are rooted in emotional wealth.

Monday, July 15, 2013

healing with hypnosis resource

Sunday, July 14, 2013


When it comes to graceful aquatic animals, none may be more so then the turtle. Turtle are seen as peaceful and graceful creatures. Turtles can be found in rivers, ponds, oceans, and streams all across the world. Since the turtle is found all across the globe, turtles are often associated to a variety of different cultures. This is one reason why the turtle tattoo is popular. As a tattoo and in life, the turtle remains one of the most symbolic creatures in the world.
Turtle tattoos usually hold symbolic meanings for those who wear this animal tattoo. As most animal tattoos, we can view the turtle in nature to fully understand most of the meanings that are associated to the turtle. Below, you can find some of the meanings that are linked to the turtle tattoo.
  • Serenity
  • Peaceful
  • Courage
  • Bravery
  • Perseverance
  • Wisdom
  • Protection
  • Safety
  • Healing
  • Stamina
  • Longevity
  • Gentleness
  • Since there are a variety of different meanings associated to the turtle tattoo, anyone of the meanings above can be linked to turtle tattoos. Two of the most common meanings of the turtle tattoo is longevity and perseverance. Turtles have the ability to live longer then most humans, usually 80-100 years old. Although the turtle is slow, their speed never deters them from doing what needs to be done.
    The turtle can also symbolize spirituality and healing. In a variety of different ancient cultures, it is believed that the turtle has the power to heal. In many cultures all across the world, the turtle is a symbol of wisdom. The turtle represents protection and safety also. The turtle can hide back in their shell from other animals when they are in danger. Their shell is hard enough to protect them from most animals and conditions.


Christian Marriage

This is reprinted ( Marriage and Family Counseling - A Christian Perspective Stan E. DeKoven Ph.D.)  as one of my clients recently said "I never knew all this stuff" and she went on a search of biblical truths which led to a stopping of divorce proceedings...

The Biblical understanding of marriage is related to the nature and purpose of God. Biblical views of man, marriage, sex, and family refuse to explain life in terms of man’s self-chosen aims. The Bible insists that attempts to understand life apart from the divine purpose are ultimately foolish. The Creator’s design establishes the dignity of the divine gift of marriage.

Marriage is for Fellowship
Men and women were created for fellowship with God and for His glory. Their dignity rests in their relational capacity. Men and women were designed for fellowship with each other and for fellowship in the greater human community (Genesis 2; Exodus 20:2-17; Isaiah 11:6; 54:1-3; Matthew 19:4-11; John 15:1-17; 17:6-26; Ephesians 1:9-10, 2:13-21). Marriage and human sexuality cannot be understood simply as the result of physical drives, rational formulations, social imposition, or religious moralism. While marital union is not in the realm of things commanded by God, as are fellowship with God and his people, it is a divine gift not to be profaned. The intimacy of marriage gives expression to the human desire for relatedness. The relationship of husband and wife is often compared to the reciprocal relationship of God and his people and is described in the language of the covenant. The covenant between God and his people is sacred and is not to be violated. It has great power and purpose in it. (Isaiah 61:10; Hosea; John 3:29; Ephesians 2:19-22). Marriage is a covenant bond designed by the Creator. It is redeemed in Jesus Christ, and is best realized amidst the Covenant people of God.


Marriage is for Human Fulfillment

Marriage is designed to bring persons into their God-intended human fullness. Humanity in its wholeness involves both male and female. The interdependence so essential to human completeness can be expressed in marital union and also in the larger community. In marital union, husband and wife become "one flesh" (Genesis 2:24).3
This unity involves far more than a sexual encounter. It is the joining of lives at many levels. With it come mutual love and knowledge. Marriage provides opportunity for mature love so vital to the wholeness of persons (Genesis 24:67; Proverbs 5:15-19; Song of Solomon 1; 2:16, 8:7; Ephesians 5:21-33). Marriage is a covenant commitment which protects the mutuality of sex and the meaning of personhood. It acknowledges responsibility for the continued well-being of another person. God is concerned about marriage because he is concerned for people. (Malachi 2:13-16).

Paul’s instructions regarding marriage and family as a picture of the church. Marriage partners should show mutual respect, for each other which effectively meets the needs of women for love and men for respect. These are essential elements of an effective and happy marriage.

This last part is summarized in Ephesians 5:33,
"Nevertheless, let each individual among you (men) also love (agape) his own wife even as himself, and let the wife see to it that she respect her husband."   This theme, love and respect, is also seen in Paul’s other writings (Colossians 3; 1 Corinthians 7) or at least assumed. It is also the focus of a fairly recent book by Emerson Eggerichs titled "Love and Respect". In his work he cites a 20 year study of 2000 couples that gives evidence that love and respect are foundational ingredients to a happy and successful marriage.7

7 Study by John Gottman from "Why Marriages Succeed or Fail."

Wives need to know they are loved, really loved by their husbands. When they feel unloved, they internalize it as hurt, often reacting in criticism towards their husband. The average husband will most often respond to criticism with withdrawal, experiencing the criticism as a lack of respect. This cycle, often seen in dysfunctional and "normal" marriages, demonstrates the continual effect of the Fall and sin in the lives of even God’s people. When husbands learn to love, demonstrated in a way that is sensible and understood by the wife, and when the wives respect, not worship, but affirm and bless their husbands, it shows that God’s Kingdom rule has come to the marriage. Since the marriage is foundational to the family, the children of that union will have greater opportunity to grow as God intended, when love and respect in harmonious balance are seen in the marriage

Monday, July 8, 2013

yoga shoulder the heart

yoga is changing my life!!  I spent too much money at doctors, physical therapists and massage therapists...and didn't even get the correct diagnosis until I went to my chiropractor.  Then!  After only two yoga classes I am surfing again.  Today I found this shoulder stretch video...OUCH but I can do with a strap and the heart opening doesn't hurt either...