Friday, May 25, 2012

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly...

"When we lose that openness to the cosmic humor of it all, we lose perspective.  We become like the rooster who thinks his crowing makes the sun come up each morning." Stephen Levine

Friday, May 18, 2012

more on angry people

and anger in ourselves... Taken from A Gradual Awakening by Stephen Levine p. 110

"Because karma is based on volition, on intention, it is easy to see that if our intention is to harm others, we will be wary of being harmed ourselves.  We will incur paranoid thoughts.  It doesn't necessarily mean that somebody is going to trip us as we walk around the corner.  We trip ourselves.  We don't have to go anywhere to look for our karma.  We are our karma.  The awareness to just notice our intention is quite subtle...normally we scratch without knowing we itch.  But eventually, if we notice the intention to scratch, we will recognize before it the itch. The advantage of recognizing the itch is we then have the choice - the choice of scratching or not scratching.  Now, if it isn't an itch, but an action which is harmful to someone else or to ourselves, we have a choice to act on it or not act on it.  Being aware of that level of mind changes our relationship to our conditioning, our karma.  It ALLOWS US MORE SPACE IN WHICH TO RESPOND ." (CAPS are mine)...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The present moment

It can happen at any time and yesterday it came straight at me from the Bahamas, in fact right from Therapeia!!!  A call came in and I was subjected to a minute's worth of crazy ranting and raving, threats and accusations--just lots of verbal abuse from a misguided person who was very angry!!!  Well not everyone is on the spiritual path and it is sad but we must send out lovingkindness even in the worst of times.  Some people just don't realize the first noble truth--life is suffering///and the second noble truth-life is continually changing and not always to our liking...we refuse to make peace with this and act as if we can hold on and control..."May all beings enjoy happiness and the root of happiness..."   there is no need to be mean to try to blow off steam of anger!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

from St. Francis?

'Preach the gospel. When necessary use words'.,,,my thought for the month of May