Friday, May 18, 2012

more on angry people

and anger in ourselves... Taken from A Gradual Awakening by Stephen Levine p. 110

"Because karma is based on volition, on intention, it is easy to see that if our intention is to harm others, we will be wary of being harmed ourselves.  We will incur paranoid thoughts.  It doesn't necessarily mean that somebody is going to trip us as we walk around the corner.  We trip ourselves.  We don't have to go anywhere to look for our karma.  We are our karma.  The awareness to just notice our intention is quite subtle...normally we scratch without knowing we itch.  But eventually, if we notice the intention to scratch, we will recognize before it the itch. The advantage of recognizing the itch is we then have the choice - the choice of scratching or not scratching.  Now, if it isn't an itch, but an action which is harmful to someone else or to ourselves, we have a choice to act on it or not act on it.  Being aware of that level of mind changes our relationship to our conditioning, our karma.  It ALLOWS US MORE SPACE IN WHICH TO RESPOND ." (CAPS are mine)...

1 comment:

  1. Karma to me is the peace full part in me , i try to live in my karma, but i can understand the fact that i have had allot of people around me in my past that used me or if you want to say hurt me and so i became very aggressive and was on the outside of my Karma . At this time in my life allot of good people desided not to be around me, even if they new the good in me . There was ones that loved me and could see the good in me if even i could not at that time in my life see it myself.
    I see a differant me know ,i see a person with a good Karma , if you want to call it that. The way to find it was to look inside my self and to be honest with what i wanted with my life and the people i wanted around me . Not for what i could give them or for what they could get from me ,but for who i am . I live a peace full life and i have people around me that love me and i them for who they are nothing more . So i no longer have to worry about so called friends or partners in my life that want to abuse me .That is one less stress i have in my life . I have my Karma back and i can share all that i am with the ones that i love even with the animals of the world . It was said to me and i say it often now THAT IN LIFE ON THIS EARTH WE MUST FIND OWER YOKE (people who want to live a GOOD and PEACE FULL life), but enjoy the same things we do .People are very much alike , but we have differant choices .I choice to have people around me that will help in my life and guide me not tear me down to there level .That is my choice MY KARMA .
