Sunday, February 26, 2012

Biblical worry-busting affirmations

Sometimes clients ask for some Biblical phrases to memorize and repeat when having a panic attack:

Psalm 24:4  Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord for you are with me.

Psalm 56:3  When I am afraid Lord Almighty, I put my trust in you.

Phill 4:13  I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.

(Today's English Version)

If you have a negative streak

1)  Think about what thoughts run through your head.  If they seem critical or depressing try tackling them from a different angle.  Your are in charge of your thoughts and are in control of what you are telling yourself.  Practice just for a day to see if inserting positive thoughts changes anything.  You will be amazed.  Also-it is important to see if there are any triggers such as watching the news that lead to the "habit" of negative thinking.  Redirecting your attention will help to curtail these obstacles to optimism.

2)  Choose your friends wisely "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed" Prov 13:20.

3)  Live in the present moment and remember each day is a fresh start toward "renewing your mind"...Romans 12:2.  You can do something you enjoy RIGHT NOW RIGHT THIS MOMENT...even if it is only for one minute!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Shadow of the Wind

my book for the weekend by  Carlos Ruiz Zafon--pg 71 is a great quote: 

 "I don't know. People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living weren't already complicated enough."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The big, huge ocean

from You Have to Say Something:  Manifesting Zen Insight by Dainin Katagiri

"If you just stay with your usual understanding of things, you will be like the frog that only swims in his small pond.  Staying just within your little territory, you will never know anything about the larger world in which you live.  You have to JUMP INTO THE OCEAN.  Then you can understand your small world for what it it."